Friday, May 29, 2009

I copied this from Aunt Sarah, I don't think she would mind. I attempted to ask Ryleigh these, the first question I asked her was what her favorite color was and from there every answer was a color. So mommy is answering them for her.

Color - yellow, she answered this one (she said yellow twice and purple once)
Food - Hamburger, Hotdogs or Pizza
Fruit - Grapes
Vegetable - Peas and corn (she loves them!)
Breakfast Food - Sausage links
Drink - Juice
T.V. Show - George and SpongeBob
Movie- Toy Story
Book - I don't really think she has one, just whatever she feels like that day
Toy - Dolls
Shirt - A horse one that PaPa got her in Colorado
Ice Cream - Any kind
Cookie - Any kind with filling, she only eats the filling
Snack - Fruit snacks and yogurt covered raisins
Animal - She loves animals, but I would have to say puppies and horses (she sees horses on the way to daycare (tons of them) and she has really taken a liking for them)
Stuffed Animal - Right now that would probably be her deer or monkey
Singer - Elvis, who else is there?
Thing to do outside - Swing, she did answer this one
Thing to do with Mommy - Help, really, she loves to help mommy! She helps with everything, cleaning, dishes, taking care of sissy, laundry, feeding the dog, you name it, Ryleigh wants to be right there helping. She always says. "help mommy". But she also likes to play... I just need to make more time for playing.
Thing to do with Daddy - Sing and dance

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