Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Life in the Wilson Household

So I have done a terrible job at keeping up this blog.... as you can see it has been 4 months since I last posted. A lot has happened in our home in those 4 months, so many wonderful memories that I should have shared on here, but just never found the time. I could write a book on the funny stories, especially the things that come from Ryleigh's mouth. I have a ton of pictures that I would really like to share. My Aunt Peggy said I needed to update this because she checks it..... so I can't go back 4 months and write all the funny and special moments or share the hundreds of pictures that i have taken, but I can update and then keep it updated....

Let's first start with the NEW EXCITING news from the Wilson household..... there will be another little Wilson baby sometime in August. I have an appointment on Jan 7 and I hope to be able to have an ultrasound to have a due date. I am feeling good so far, just super tired. WE are very excited and thrilled to have an addition to our family. Ryleigh is hoping for a baby brother.

On to Ryleigh.... Ryleigh will be 3 years old in about 2 weeks. I can not believe that she is already 3 years old. She has certaintly made these past three years special. She is loving daycare and her teacher Miss Loretta. She has a best friend there named Ragean, who she adores! Ryleigh is learning a lot at daycare... she knows her ABC's, can count up to 23, she knows all of her shapes, colors, same, opposite, big , little, etc... you know all those little things that one day make you say to yourself, "When did you get so smart?" She is learning a lot about Jesus and is growing up knowing who He is. She talks in perfect sentences and carries on a conversation like no 3 year old I have ever seen. She loves to talk and has become quite the story teller. She is a very loving child who loves to mother and take care of her baby sister. They play really well together and I can always count on Ryleigh to step up and help out with her. Ryleigh is really into playing with her babies and playing anything make-believe. She has more energy than I know what to do with and is such a clown. We are very proud of her and she amazes us everyday with how smart she is. She is growing like a weed and the taller she gets I think the skinnier she gets! She is adorable, everything about her is adorable. She is looking forward to Santa coming to town and we are looking forward to enjoying this Christmas with her.

Moving on to Madison..... Madison is already going to be ONE next month! Where has this year gone??? She is starting to take steps and each day seems to get a little more brave in what she does. The child can climb on anything and everything... and she does! She loves to dance to music, especially ELVIS! She has said a few words..... mama, mom, dada, up, ball and makes an attempt to say RyRy. She loves to play with toys, any toys.... she really gets into playing and will play really good by herself. She looks up to her big sister and loves for Ryleigh to hold her and carry her around. She is a very happy baby that lights up the room with her smile. Her and Ryleigh are great sisters and are probably going to grow up to be best friends. The birth of Madison brought even more joy to our lives this year and she has been a wonderful addition. She is a very special little girl.

I can't believe that my babies are going to 1 and 3 next month. They are so incredibly special to us and so loved. They have changed our world and each day they bring more happiness into that world.

I hope to be able to keep up this blog by sharing the special moments and the funny stories that make my days bright.... there is never a dull moment with those two. I will upload some pictures as soon as I find my cable! In the meantime, you can count on more updates!

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