Friday, May 29, 2009

I'm a BIG GIRL now!

Ryleigh is wearing big girl panties!!!!!! We bought a potty chair for Ryleigh when she was 18 months old. She was starting to show some interest, so we got one just for fun. Every since then she has gone on the potty whenever she wanted, but we didn't push anything on her. Just recently she really started showing signs of being ready for potty training and taking much more of an interest in it. A couple of weeks ago I bought some Pull-Ups to try. Really, in my opinion, Pulls Ups feel no different to a child than a diaper, so I told Ryleigh they were big girl panties, they just made going on the potty much easier. She was doing pretty good at going potty, so I pushed her just a little bit more this past week. Over the holiday weekend I put real underwear on her just to see how she would do and she did great. On Tuesday I told her if she did really good for the rest of the week that Friday night we could to Wal-Mart and she could pick out a new toy. I told Miss Loretta how well she was doing and she started encouraging her more at daycare too. Thursday when I picked her up, she had underwear on. Miss Loretta said she wet in her Pull Up that morning, so she put underwear on her and she stayed dry all day!!!!! I made the decision that come Saturday morning when Ryleigh woke there wouldn't be any Pull Ups for her to wear, she would HAVE to wear underwear. But this morning I laid a pair out with her clothes and she didn't fuss or refuse. She went potty on the big girl potty and then came back and got dressed!! She went to daycare in underwear and it will be underwear from here on out!! I may have to change a lot of clothes at first, but she will get better! She actually does really good. She had an accident last night after we got home, but that was her only accident all day. Now pooping is another issue.... we are working on that. Tonight Ryleigh gets to pick out a new toy and new underwear!!! We are so proud of her!!!!!!!!!!! And this was COMPLETELY STRESS FREE!! We let her do her own thing, we had no expectations of her at all and waited for the time to feel right and when it was, she was more than ready!!! And accidents don't bother me, so I know that I can stay calm and patient in the first few days of wearing only underwear. Ryleigh doesn't like to be wet or poopy, so I know with each accident she will get better. She has stopped herself many times as she has started to pee in her pants. She is becoming such a big girl!!!!

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