Ryleigh's birthday was January 6th, she turned 3 years old! It's hard to believe that my baby is 3 years old already. She had a wonderful birthday and really got into this year! The morning of her birthday she opened up a couple presents. When she woke up that morning and realized that it was her birthday she was so excited, she had really been anticipating it! She requested to open presents in bed. Gotta love that girl!
She also had a special shirt (Birthday Girl shirt) and birthday pin to wear to daycare that day.
That evening when daddy got home, we had a chocolate chip cookie cake for her. You have to ignore the candles, it was all I had.
Then she got to open two more presents and spend the rest of the evening playing. She really enjoyed them! She got a basketball goal and Lite Brite.
Her Mickey Mouse birthday party was the following Sunday. She had a blast! We has a few snacks and visited for awhile.
Then she opened her presents... of course the favorite part to a child! ( I had a picture here, but deleted it on accident and I dont feel like uploading it again and trying to get it down here. Most of yoiu saw it on FB anyway)
Madison's first birthday was January 29. This past year has went by so fast, but it has been amazing. We got Madison a Cozy Coupe car because they are always fighting over Ryleigh's. We put it together the night before and put some balloons on it. The next morning I took her out to the livingroom to show her and I thought she was so excited... but it was the balloons that she was so excited about.
That evening when daddy got home, we let her open a present... her birthday bear from Build-A-Bear. It was a big hit!
Her birthday party was the next day. She had a Winnie the Pooh theme. She had a special "First Birthday" dress to wear, the same dress Ryleigh wore on her first birthday too!
Mimi made her cake! And it was so cute!
And of course Madison enjoyed every single bite of hers!!!
She was so cute when we sang to her, she put her hand up like she was pointing to herself like
"this is for me!". It was so cute. Then when we all clapped at the end, she giggled.
"this is for me!". It was so cute. Then when we all clapped at the end, she giggled.
All in all, the birthday parties were a success and the girls had a blast!!!!
And now my babies are one and three years old!! I have a toddler and a preschooler!